I (Rose) have been chosen to raise Eric this lifetime. It has been my biggest gift though not always easy; he teaches me every day. I’ve been guided by many angels to encourage Eric to paint. Not being an artist myself it wasn’t an easy challenge as Eric does not willingly express his abilities.
I was blessed to find a group of artists that worked with physically-challenged adults to help them to express themselves through art. They allowed Eric to come in and paint on his own, alongside them. Mark was instrumental in encouraging Eric to freely express on he canvas and cheered him on every step. After spending a couple years in the group Eric decided he would like to work one-on-one with Gina another artist and teacher painting animals. She would outline the animal on canvas in pencil and then teach him skills to complete the painting.
Eric did not want to sell his paintings yet many were interested in buying them so we decided to turn his paintings into note cards. That was when Magoo_Paints came to life. It was a childhood name that I call him and its stuck with him throughout his life. The cards have been selling well and we have decided after reaching 52 paintings that we would create a spiritual deck of animal cards.
Eric has also been commissioned to do abstract paintings for some special people. It amazes me the stories that come out of each and every painting. (More about that at a later date...it's a story on it's own). I’m just beginning to understand through his art what he’s has been eagerly showing and telling me and about what is truly possible.
So I am just here trying to be the witness to his journey. Hopefully one day he will open up and let the world know whether his mom was getting it right or mixing it all up! Until that day I will do my best to journal his progress and keep you all engaged in his artwork.
This space is created so that you the witness of his art can join in on his journey. Please feel free to express in your one words what it is you see or how it made you feel. It really brings joy to Eric went he hears the feedback.
Much Love and Blessing ... Magoo (Eric) & Rose XOXO

Magoo in the beginning stages of his 'Music' Painting...